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Early Years Team
Teachers: Mrs Susie Betley (M) & Mrs Amanda Stamp (T-F)
TAs: Mrs Debbie McTigue (HLTA), Mrs Emily Porter (TA), Mrs Yvonne Burton (TA Tuesdays)
Welcome to EYFS at Layston School. We are a nurturing, enthusiastic and welcoming team who are dedicated to the welfare and education of your child.
We are committed to supporting families make the transition from nursery and pre-school settings to the Reception year as smoothly as possible. We pride ourselves on building healthy working relationships with our families to ensure the children thrive.
We have a large environment with 2 outdoor spaces set up to encourage exploration, independence and play, and a large indoor space including areas for focused teaching as well as child initiated learning. This includes a role play area and home corner, construction areas, small world play, maths, writing and reading zones (inside and out), creative and malleable play area, as well as sand (inside and outside) and water play (outside). We also benefit from a morning of Forest School in our Wild Wood.
Please see EYFS policy for more information or contact the school office for a visit.
Read Write Inc. is a popular phonics scheme and the one used here at Layston School. Visit for free resources and to learn more about the scheme and how to support your child’s learning.
Lovemybooks is a great resource to help choose wonderful books to read for all reading levels at Layston School. Please visit for book ideas, as well as creative reading ideas and activities.
We use Tapestry to share the journal of your child’s learning experience in Reception and as an additional form of communication between staff and parents and carers.
If you’re using Tapestry on your phone or tablet, there is an app which you can download which is very easy to use.
We would love to see your contributions too, it is easy to add your own photos or observations to your child’s journal, or you can follow this link via your web browser. If you need further support with Tapestry, please call or email the school office.
Internet matters provides practical tips and advice for parents and carers to create safer online spaces for children. The site has published guidance to help parents understand information relevant to their child’s age and there is advice for safeguarding as well as tips for setting up appropriate controls and filters and offers support to help children benefit from connected technology and the internet safely and smartly.
For further detail, please follow this link to visit the online safety area of our school website.