At Layston we pride ourselves in valuing each child as an individual and nurturing them as a whole, not just academically. Your child’s social, moral, emotional, spiritual, and cultural development is equally as important. We embed our Christian values of forgiveness, compassion, friendship, and love throughout the curriculum and promote the six principles of nurture.
We promote and teach pro-social behaviours (those behaviours which are helpful to the individual and others) and offer opportunities for restitution and forgiveness after episodes of anti-social behaviour (those behaviours which are not helpful to the individual and others).
Our ‘Three Golden Rules’ support this:
- I am ready to learn and allow others to learn.
- I am thoughtful, kind, and polite to everyone.
- I look after our school and everything in it.
All our responses to behaviour are therapeutic in line with our ‘Therapeutic Thinking’ training and we understand nurture as essential to promoting positive mental health and well-being in all members of our school community. For further information please see our behaviour policy.