What is the Pupil Premium Grant?
The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is additional funding given to schools so that they can support disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils and close the attainment gap between them and their peers. Disadvantaged pupils are defined as those who are:
- Cared and Looked After (CLA)
- Receive Free School Meals (FSM) or have received FSM in the past 6 years (FSM ‘Ever 6’)
- Flagged as a service child since 2011 in YR to Y11 (‘Ever 6’)
- Registered on the school census as having been adopted from care or leaving care under a special guardianship or residence order.
The PPG is not ‘ring-fenced’ and schools are free to spend it as they deem most appropriate, but need to demonstrate that the expenditure is contributing towards closing the gaps in learning between children receiving PPG and their peers. The grant is intended to benefit children who are currently in school. As a school we identify the main areas of need on an individual basis and put action plans in place in partnership with parents to support pupils’ progress in learning.
Implementation: How is PPG spent?
Expenditure for these pupils has previously included amounts allocated towards:
- Early learning interventions for pupils & support materials
- Increasing staff support for pupils
- Nurture provision
- Subsidies for residential and educational visits
- Assisted places at holiday sports academy
- Assisted places at enrichment activities e.g. dance lessons, music lessons, horse riding
- School clubs
- Family support for attendance
- Play Therapy
- Tutoring & catch up resources for educational catch up after the first Covid-19 lock down
Reasons for this spend: We reference the Sutton Trust/EEF Teaching and Learning Toolkit on best practice for PPG spending and align the needs of our children with research based strategies that support learning. We review and refine strategies after careful analysis of what is working best and enables the best learning outcomes for these children.
Parental engagement:
We see parental engagement as crucial. We wish to work in partnership with ALL parents and have an open door policy towards you. You are your children’s first teacher and continue to play a vital role in their learning. You do not need to be highly educated to be effective at supporting your child on their learning journey. Please check out the Parental Engagement section of the website to see how you can support your child with their learning.
We ask that all parents:
- Support and show an interest in their child’s learning through conversation
- Help them develop their independence, organisational skills and learning behaviours
- Teach them age appropriate life skills
- Give moral support and guidance
The impact of the PPG is measured at the end of the academic year in relation to:
- Attendance
- Engagement in clubs and enrichment activities
- Parent engagement
- Core subject progress & attainment
- Enjoyment of school
The impact of strategically targeting the pupil premium budget on the specific needs of these pupils enables:
- parents of children receiving PPG to engage and support their child’s learning;
- the majority of pupils receiving PPG to make at least good progress across all year groups against pre-arranged targets;
- pupils receiving PPG to be aspirational and motivated to complete their learning tasks;
- a diminishing difference between pupils receiving PPG and pupils not receiving it;
- pupils receiving PPG to read at home regularly and feel supported at home by their parents with their learning;
- the parents of pupils receiving PPG to engage with school regarding their child’s learning;
- pupils receiving PPG to attend a club and experience success, engage positively with peers and understand how to be part of a team;
- pupils receiving PPG to achieve at least average attendance, if not above;
- pupils receiving PPG to hold responsibilities around school to help them develop life skills e.g. reliability, managing routines, organisational skills, prioritising;
- pupils receiving PPG to develop the confidence to embrace new opportunities.
The PPG strategy is reviewed termly by the head teacher and deputy head teacher and is monitored by the full governing body. Detailed PPG Reports are available below.